Maple Praline Bacon


1/2 lb bacon

1/4 cup Dickey Farms Pecans

6 tbsp brown sugar

4 tbsp Dickey Farms Maple Praline Syrup



Wrap a sheet pan in foil and lay out the bacon. Put into a cold oven and then set temp to 400°F. Cook until almost at desired crispiness.

Chop up the pecans and mix with the brown sugar and maple syrup. Set aside while the bacon is cooking.

Once the bacon is almost at done cooking, remove from the oven and drain the excess grease.

Press the maple syrup/brown sugar/pecan topping onto the bacon. Pat the mixture to adhere to the bacon.

Place the bacon back into the oven and cook until the topping is bubbly (around 5 minutes). Remove from oven and immediately take bacon off the pan and onto a baking rack or plate.


*Recipe from The Yankee Cowboy

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